A Certified Menopause Wellness Coach.
In 2003 I qualified in a BTEC National Diploma in Applied Science Beauty Therapy, and since, I have spent the majority of my career within this industry, with a focused interest in women and women's health from a holistic perspective and have applied Holistic Principles of Health to my own diet and lifestyle for many years. Even though severe PMS/PMDD pushed me off the wagon most months, I had to learn to pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on track.
During the course of my career and throughout my own hormone health challenges, I have collected a handful of certificates for 'Menopause' and 'Hormone Health' and 'Nutrition', but in all honesty, the main of my knowledge comes from self led learning, through hours of research, personal experience and the observations and 1:1 support of other women.
I have spent the past 25 years trying to navigate the mainstream medical system through my own chronic hormone dysfunctions; Post Natal Depression, PMDD a Surgically Induced Menopause in 2019 at the age of 35 . Always left with dead-ends and no solutions from following the mainstream medical systems treatment pathways and guidelines.
At the start of 2023, after having experienced 4 years of ZERO support from the NHS for post surgical care, and paying out thousands on private care which also led to dead ends and no solutions, I took matters into my own hands. Together with a small group of other post surgical PMDD women, we took a deep dive into researching about the role of Progesterone.
Progesterone is a hormone that I had been led to believe that I was 'intolerant' to and was the reason I had my reproductive system removed. Hence why I had previously not paid much attention to it.
Progesterone is also not routinely prescribed to women who have had a Hysterectomy as the mainstream medical system believes that its only important role is to 'protect the uterus'. You have to seriously question this when you are made aware that you have Progesterone Receptors all over the body including the brain and heart.
There is no wonder post hysterectomised women struggle to achieve hormonal balance and have so many problematic symptoms post-surgery, often leading them to being prescribed SSRI's, Anti-anxiety meds, sleeping tablets, anti-psychotics, blood pressure medications, pain relief etc
Progesterone actually became a HUGE part of the solution and relief of my post surgical symptoms as well as looking at the Endocrine System as a whole, including navigating Thyroid Optimisation and Nervous System Regulation/Stress Management.
The more I learned about Progesterone and what roles it plays within the body and brain, and what creates a deficiency of it, and the more I researched into the role of the Thyroid, the more my personal story and hormone health history started to make total sense.
in April 2023
'The Hormone Balance Support Group' was born.
This is a place where I share what I have learned through my own lived experience and the knowledge I have accumulated to help other women become empowered through education to enable them to make informed choices about their hormone health.
I want to help women understand the hidden truth about 'Hormone Balance', how to achieve it and what causes hormone imbalance and dysfunction in the first place.
I am hugely passionate about helping women to re-connect to their cyclical needs and making diet and lifestyle choices to support their hormone health.
Our Hormone Health is the key to overall health and longevity and through sharing my knowledge I hope that women can take control of their own Hormone Health and become FREE from a system that is keeping them stuck.
Together we will create a Hormone Revolution!
Best wishes,
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